The Running Flax

Monday, July 02, 2007

7/2/07: Walking home from work

More like "The Walking Flax," but then I haven't been doing my running outside. Rather, it's been inside on a treadmill. I've hit a good pattern - I do an hour total, with 12 minutes at 2 mph, then 12 at 3, then 12 at 5, then back to 3, and a final 12 on 2 again. It works pretty well, I do about 3 miles, and it's not overly strenuous. I tried to work in 6 mph to a recent workout and it just floored me. The 1 mph difference is surprisingly huge.

Anyway, here's the walk map. I thought about walking back from work - about five miles - but I didn't really feel like walking all the way up Michigan, so I took the 146 to Delaware and hopped out before it became express. Here's the map.

My feet were tired by the end, but my regular sneakers are getting up there in age, too. (I have a new pair that I use just at the gym.) Still, I was pretty happy with a four-mile walk, done at about 20 minutes a mile. This may well end up being the last relatively cool day where I could do this and not get home soaked, so it was good timing, and made up for having forgotten my gym clothes. (I also hadn't really been looking forward to the gym since I'm still fighting off an allergy or cold or something that has caused my sinuses to go nuts, so this was a pretty low-stress substitute, all told. And I still burned 375 calories!)
