The Running Flax

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Today's run map:

I was out from 10:40 to 11:10, probably the only time in history where my entire run took place before noon (and quite possibly any of it). This time I headed north instead of south, and pushed myself to run uninterrupted from Cornelia to Irving Park. I crossed Lake Shore at Addison and ran along Recreation Drive to Irving Park, where I had to stop, but it was 5:30 of uninterrupted running, so that was pretty good (edging past my high from Wednesday, which was about 5:20). I did a couple more short bursts of running, from Grace to Patterson along Pine Grove and then from Pine Grove back to the apartment along Cornelia, but after that first stretch my legs were pretty tired. All told it was about 2 miles, and this time I didn't rest at all (always walking if I wasn't running), so the time calculations are about right. I burned around 275 calories - not a ton, of course, but not bad for the distance and early stages we're at here.
